How can I or my users Access my App after i have built it?

How can I or my users Access my App after i have built it ?

Can i port my app from backendless to another server ?

Do I always need to be with backendless after i have built my app using your
platform ?

Please clarify , Thank you

Hello @Sayed_Ali

Are you talking about UI-builder app or Android/IOS application?
You can use your domain here:
What do you mean by “always need to be with backendless”?


What i mean is,

Does my application always have be hosted with backendless , Or can i take it and go host some place else ?

Thank you

Any static or dynamic content residing in Backendless Hosting and web applications as a whole can be addressed with URLs structured as:

Additionally, you can configure a custom domain instead of the default URL provided by Backendless.

If you want to port your app from Backendless to another server you can use Backendless Pro. Backendless Pro is the Limitless Edition of the Backendless Platform that can be installed anywhere – your developer’s computer, private data center, public cloud.
