How can I use Backendless like realm mobile platform to sync data among android devices

I am developing an android app which persists data locally using realm and syncs data between devices using realm mobile platform. RMP(realm mobile platform) syncs very easily but supporting offline conflict resolution and server side coding is not flexible,also functionality is limited in client side. The Backendless is more flexible in this regard. But I can’t figure out how to sync local data automatically among android devices using Backendless.
How can I achieve this in backendless


Local data synchronization would need to occur when an object which is stored on the client changes on the server. In that case client should either grab the latest copy of the object or get just the changed properties. Do you track these changes anywhere?


we can create boolean column in Table to save change status and after getting(copying) by all of underlying users change status again (true to false).best possible solution is to inform objects changes from server to client another solution is to create service which query changed objects on server that is expensive task( will increase api call per minute also is a slow process)
RMP is syncing very fast between devices through server which is great .Did you test it? I liked realm mostly because of Realm mobile platform sync tool