How do I publish my app to Android and IoS

I can’t find any documentation or videos that explain how to publish the app I have built in UI Builder to the apple store or Android store, is there any links that anyone can provide with instructions on how to do this?

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Hi @Luc_Zentar,

You could try something like this:

Or create a webview wrapper by yourself.

Also, this might help you:

In the nearest future we are going to pack apps into the Native Mobile App.


@stanislaw.grin so to confirm, there is no way to compile the application to a true native app, rather just a web view, which does not use the host OS styles or API’s.

We are considering packaging applications with flutter, which will lead to truly native applications. So far, this feature is in our plans.

Do you have a predicted timeframe for this?

Not yet, but we will definitely work in this direction. Stay tuned for updates.