How does using Custom Business Logic impact API Limit?
Lets says Custom Business Logic makes two find calls and two save calls.
Did I just use 5 (one for the call to the CBL, two for find object and two for save object) api in one second?
How does using Custom Business Logic impact API Limit?
Lets says Custom Business Logic makes two find calls and two save calls.
Did I just use 5 (one for the call to the CBL, two for find object and two for save object) api in one second?
An invocation of a custom business logic script is not counted as an API call (because it is not), however, if you make API calls inside of your business logic, they would be counted.
The Event Handler does not count towards API Limit (because it is not an API) but I assume the API Service would count towards API limit. Any API calls within either the Event Handler or API Service would count towards API limit.
Yes, an invocation of an API service would be counted towards the API limit. Any API calls within your service or event handler/timer would also be counted.