How many users can HIT Backendless API at the same time?

I want to know that if all Users of our app start using the application at the same time
Like on 10:00:00 (HH:MM: SS) So How many users can access User SignUp API or send SMS API (Twilio Plugin API)?

Hello @Ayaz_Khan,

cloud version has a limit of 3000 calls per minute, you will not able to call more.

To get more you should contact

Hello @sergey.kuk,
It means 3000/60 = 50 API calls in a second (50 connections)
this 50 API call may be from a single user OR it may come from 50 different users. It means at the same time more than 50 users can not use the application
but we are developing a dating Application we assume that we will get approx 500 users in a second So how can we handle 500 requests in a second?

Hello @Ayaz_Khan

You can not use more than 50 requests per second. The limitation applies exactly to 3000 requests per minute. These requests can be from different users.
As Sergey said, if the number of calls exceeds 3000/min, you need to contact


I do not know how many connections I needed. I can say that how should we handle 500 Users at the same time who are trying to access same API at the same time. can it be achieved in 50 connections only OR we will need 500 connections?
Please suggest


the limit is 3000 per minute. And it does not matter when you made this number of call in the minute.
If you have 500 users that makes call continuously, then you will get the following error on the 6th second:

Maximum request per minute limit has been reached for the app. 
Please have the owner of the app contact Backendless to increase the rate limit.

To increase the rate limit you should move to Managed or PRO version which does not have the rate limit.

Are you sure that 500 users will call the server continuously?
I suggest you try to use your application with couple users, then goes to analytic and see how many calls per minute you are doing. Then you will know approximately how many calls makes one user per minute.