How to connect remote postgresql database

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In order to suggest you a quality solution, we shall usually ask you to provide the details mentioned below first. Including them into your topic right away helps us to start investigating your issue much faster.

In case you have a suggestion or an idea, the details below are not always required, though still any additional background is welcome.

Backendless Version (3.x / 5.x, Online / Managed / Pro )

Client SDK (REST / Android / Objective-C / Swift / JS )

Application ID 494325A2-B516-A0D8-FFC2-5778CAD76800

Expected Behavior

Please describe the expected behavior of the issue, starting from the first action.

  1. How can I connect my postgresql database with connection string like postgresql://:<password>@: ?

Actual Behavior

Please provide a description of what actually happens, working from the same starting point.

Be descriptive: “it doesn’t work” does not describe what the behavior actually is – instead, say “the request returns a 400 error with message XXX”. Copy and paste your logs, and include any URLs.

Reproducible Test Case

Please provide a simple code that could be run in a new clean app and reproduce the issue.

If the issue is more complex or requires configuration, please provide a link to a project on Github that reproduces the issue.

Hello @Winfakt_bv

What kind of installation do you use?

I am using backendless trial version.


Unfortunately, you can’t do it on a trial plan.

Connection external databases are allowed only for managed/pro installations.

Regards, Dima.

Thank you

One thing more, in your price page, it says this:

The beauty of our free trial is that it gives you a access to the full functionality of the Backendless platform. There are no features hidden or off-limits that you would otherwise get on a paid Cloud plan.


Hi @Winfakt_bv ,

Connection to external databases are not available for Cloud version (all Cloud billing plans) of our system.
Pro/Managed versions of Backendless are standalone installations which are hosted on separate servers and configured individually for each client.

So there are no contradiction between trial plan description and absence of this feature for all cloud plans. On trial you get “Cloud 99” features for free for 1 month.

Regards, Andriy