How to copy from one code to another code

hi, i am a newbie, i have 2 simple questions:
1.i want to learn how to copy a structure from one code to another code - for example, I have created two codes one is simple and working the other one is not, I want to copy the working parts to the project that is not working instead of doing QA. is that possible.

2.on the same issue is there a way to save versions of the file - I noticed that sometimes my file regress to an earlier stage - maybe because of multiple open screens and that is really killing me - what is the best way to keep versions of the file… (really would appreciate having a version history in future versions like they have in google docs which lets us make mistakes without consequence


What do you mean by ‘code’?
Please attach the screenshots of what you are trying to do to clarify your questions.


I want to build copy a structure of objects that i made with codeless to another file .

Hi Amichal!

Unfortunately, you can’t copy/past blocks from one Codeless workspace into another one.

But there is a workaround, it’s copy/past content from xml file in Coding Section, but we don’t recommend make any changes in Coding section for Codeless

Regards, Vlad

The proper way to reuse Codeless logic between your API services, event handlers and timers is by putting any reusable logic into Codeless Custom Functions.