How to create Twilio passwordless SMS sign on?

Hi, I want to use Twilio SMS to allow people to sign up without any password. I already read this page: Twilio Integration Plugin | Backendless Mobile Platform

Support told me I would need to generate a random complex password for them to be stored in the database, since all users require a password even if they won’t use that but instead only use SMS auth to log in. So the user wouldn’t even know there is any password as it should all be behind the scenes.

However, I have no programming skills and really wouldn’t know how to do this. Can anyone please explain it step by step?

If there was an easier service to do this with than Twilio, then that’s fine with me too.

Hi @Has_Program,

Welcome to our community!

Which tools or programming language you are using in your app?

Hi thanks a lot for your reply but i’m not sure I entirely understand your question. I don’t know any programming languages I wanted to use Backendless because it’s a NoCode platform. I haven’t delved deeply into backendless yet but I wanted to know how I can implement this before I decide to use Backendless permanently.

To implement this you’d need to build the following functionality:

  1. User registration form. In there you’d need to collect user’s identity (at the very minimum it can be user’s phone number), potentially username, email, etc - it depends on the requirements for your app
  2. User login form - based on what you describe, the login form would accept user’s phone number and in here you’ll use the Twilio plugin

To understand how to implement it, you’d need to get some basic knowledge of how UI Builder works (if you plan to use our UI Builder). The best place to start are the following training courses:


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I wasn’t planning on using Backendless’ UI builder. I wanted to connect Backendless to Adalo and use Adalo for the frontend. I just wanted to connect Twilio to Backendless and connect Backendless to Twilio. So I’ll be building the form that captures the phone number, and then I would like that to send an SMS message to the user, which they use and then in Backendless their user is created with this “random password”.

I already know how to send an SMS with Twilio through Backendless. I just want to know exactly how I would be able to generate a random password so a user doesn’t have to do that for the registration in the back-end. Please tell me how I can do that.

Thank you for your help!


If you use adalo, then you’d need to generate the password on the adalo side. I assume they have an ability for you to inject such logic.


Unfortunately there is no ability to do so. Adalo’s front end (as well as backend) is quite limited so I want to use Backendless as the backend, I would’ve thought I’d be have to do that in Backendless :confused:

The registration API call requires that at least user identity and password are provided. You could potentially send the same value for both user identity and password and change the password in the beforeReigster API handler.
What I recommend for now (to simplify things) is to get basic registration working (where you send the same value for identity and password) and then we’ll guide you for how to improve it.
