how can i get the google+ id and Google+ Secret key ??
See this Google Plus guide - “Get a configuration file” section
hey man i followed your link and i get the Configure file too which is an info.plist file but still there’s no key inside named Google Id or secret key , i tried with google developer console and from there i got the ClientId key but there’s nothing similar to secret key ?? what should i do ?
Please clarify: do you need easyLoginWithGooglePlusFieldsMapping or loginWithGoogleSignInSDK?
i need easyLoginWithGooglePlusFieldsMapping
You should investigate our sample project (see in attachment).
You can try it with our appId, then set your appId and secretKey, and try with your backendless app.
If you will change appId, don’t forget to change URL Schemes in Info.plist:</img> (19.57MB)
hey man thanks for the example that was way more easier than i expected , appreciate your effort