How to get user custom properties in Users Class ?

I created a new column in user class and i would like to retrieve the data ? How can i do it ? , thanks .

Use the following APIs on the BackendlessUser object:

i use getProperty like this , but when i update the data on the database it giving the same data which have not been updated .

let user = backendless.userService.currentUser


        let userContentRetrieve = user.getProperty("userContent") as! String

        print("Testing Content Retreieve\(userContentRetrieve)")

        if userContentRetrieve != "" {


            userContent.text = "\(userContentRetrieve)"


When you update data on the server, you need to retrieve the latest data - it is not updated automatically.

How can i retrieve the lastest data using getProperty or by updateProperty ?

You need to perform an API call to get the user object from the server.

What the api ?

let user = BackendlessUser.ofClass()).findID(userObjectId) as! BackendlessUser

This is sync right ? How can i make it async ?

See the doc for both sync and async signatures: