How to handle rate limit 429 error


Is there a way to catch rate limit error (429) with codeless logic?
Currently trying with Try Catch blocks on page enter, but when I refresh page it crashes and error is not caught. Might be that error is thrown against loading layout.

Sometimes it crashes with pretty print:


but sometimes like this:

Was hoping to figure out, most graceful way of handling rate limit situations.
Any input will be appreciated.

Best Regards,

Indeed was able to get message handled ‘on before layout enter’.
Still, would be grateful for any info that might be useful to understand error 429 behavior. For now, my understanding is that common places to catch it are:

  • before page enter;
  • before layout enter;
  • on executing logic behind button clicks;

Hello @Uldis_Borkus,

thank you for reporting this issue!
I have created an internal ticket for our engineers.
We will contact you once we have any questions or news for you.


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Hi @Uldis_Borkus,

we’ve just updated cloud servers with a fix for the issue you described above. Could you kindly let us know whether the fix works for you?


Hi @Bohdan_Vynarchuk
Seems that the script error is still there on browser refresh when triggering error 429.


Republish your application, after that, the error should disappear

You are right, now i don’t get this behavior. Thank You @Bohdan_Vynarchuk