How to implement a swipe carousel

Hello, I am unable to find an UI components that look like a swipable carousel, and building one from scratch for me (newbie) is daunting.

There is an image carousel that you can download as a component, but:

  1. It seems to only allow images. I would need to put custom stuff in each slide
  2. It has the old tap style with arrows on each side, not the modern swipe ability.

Is there a third-party option that is easy to integrate with backendless? Is there some other solution anyone can point me to?


Hello @Owen_Fowler

I discussed your case with the team; unfortunately, the component is unsuitable for your tasks. You can try to create your own component.


We discussed your case with our team and created an internal ticket to create a component with this functionality. We will let you know as soon as it is available.

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Wow, that is fantastic. Thanks.

Hi @Inna_Shkolnaya Stumbled upon this topic. Has there been any movement regarding such component?

Hi @Uldis_Borkus, unfortunately, this component is not implemented yet :frowning: