How can I increase the overall speed of my site? For example, loading the login page takes 3.65 seconds. This is the entry point for my customers, and waiting 3-4 seconds is tough.
From the internet -
Google’s research showed that the chance of a bounce increased by 32% when a page load time went from one to three seconds, and by 90% when the page load time went from one to five seconds
I don’t have anywhere to upload it right now. I could get a hosting account and figure out how to upload the app (backendless being turn key was a huge draw) but I don’t have the time for that right now, unfortunately.
I am aware. We have an task assigned to an engineer. This has nothing to do with the speed of the server, backendless returns resources back very fast. The issue is the loading order and non-blocking resource resolution.
@mark-piller Is there any issue running Cloudflare and backendless together? Do you recommend this as a way to increase speed in parallel with what you’re working on internally?
There is absolutely nothing that would preclude you from using something like Cloudflare if you like. This will help you increase the speed when working with static content.
Is there a timeframe on improving the perceived site speed? It feels like my hands are tied right now, and I don’t feel the site performance is where it should be.
You can try to use Cloudflare as was suggested above. Also if you have possibility to use CDN for some of your static resources than it is better to use it. These steps should improve loading speed.