How to lookup and retrieve a single property (field) from a single object (record)

Hi I’m not sure if I’m doing the right thing but am I supposed to use the Codeless List Block (Gets object’s index in a list) to retrieve a single property (field) of data from a single record result?

I have a simple Zip Code table that I want to look up a city name with.

Example - Use ‘77381’ and get the city of ‘Spring’ back.

Is this how I’m supposed to do it using the “Gets object’s index in a list” Codeless block like below?


Hello @William_Lee

Your “var_zip_list” contains list of objects
This Block trying to find index of list’s element which is equal to string = ‘city’ in list which contains only objects, not object’s properties
A simple example:
In your case
Object {“city”: “NewYork”, “z_code”: 123, “s_code”: 222} copmare with string ‘city’
