What would you recommend for opening a file that exists on the backendless server as a byte array, or readStream? My cloud service (JS) needs to open, then upload, the file to a third-part server (Quickbooks) by POSTing multipart/form-data, using Backendless.Request.
Is the node.js fs module allowed in cloud code? Or, is there a package you recommend that could simulate a Blob or the browser’s File object?
Any ideas or examples appreciated,
Hello @Kelly_Oglesby,
here is an example of code that reads a file and returns it as ByteArray:
function encodePath(path) {
if (path.startsWith('http://') || path.startsWith('https://')) {
return path
let decodedPath
try {
decodedPath = decodeURI(path)
} finally {
return (decodedPath || path).split('/').map(encodeURIComponent).join('/')
function readFileContent(result) {
return result instanceof Buffer
? result.toJSON().data
: Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(result)).toJSON().data
const pathToFile = encodePath('https://demo.com/path/to/file.txt')
const result = await Backendless.Request.get(pathToFile)
.then(result => readFileContent(null, result))