How to redirect to a page in my App - Navigation not available

Hi Sergey,

I am new to Backendless and programming and loving the process.

I need to integrate to Xero using OAuth2. My requirement is as follows:

  1. Send user to Xero to login.
  2. Get code from Xero redirect.
  3. Exchange code for access token.

I have tried to achieve this in two ways:

  1. Setting Xero up as a login provider in Backendless :
    I have setup Xero ( as a login provider ( I am following the process as outlined in Backendless: Login Without Provider’s SDK. The provider is Xero. I am following their process:

When I try to use the Xero Login provider in backendless, I get an error message from a successful Xero redirect. That is I linked to Xero, logged in and Xero redirected back as follows:

Backendless throws the following error: {“code”:3022,“message”:“Unable to login user due to error: Cannot deserialize instance of java.util.LinkedHashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> out of START_ARRAY token\n at [Source: UNKNOWN; line: -1, column: -1]”,“errorData”:{}}.

I read under step 4 the following: Step 4 . The redirect to the Backendless callback URL in the previous step results in the Backendless User object and Backendless user token sent to the application. A Backendless user record is created in the Users table (if this is a new user). There is no API for this step, your application needs to process the result of the form submission and response from the redirect.

So I have tried a second way:

  1. Writing a custom Service API.
    I register a user. User logins in and clicks on a Xero redirect. They login to Xero. Xero redirects back to the custom Service Api which is a get function saving the code and session_state in the database. I will then use it to redirect again to Xero to get the access_token which I can save in the database. Once done, I don’t know how to send the user back to the frontend using codeless. The navigation is not exposed and I unfortunately don’t know enough JavaScript to know how to get back to the front end. I have tried for days to upskill myself, but now am stuck.

That is once my custom services have got the access_token and stored it, how do I get my custom service to open/redirect to one of my pages?

I hope you can help.

Kind Regards,


Hello @Guy_Krige

Welcome to our community and thank you for trying out Backendless.

I have made the topic public because our support policy forbids direct message, also we have support rotation, and if other guys from the team do not see the message it may be missed.

Cool … thanks.

Hi @Guy_Krige !

Unfortunatelly you can’t make redirect from CloudCode Codeless at the current moment. We already created missing blocks (internal ticket BKNDLSS-26008) and they will be available in the next release which we expect to have in couple of days. Sorry for inconvenience.

In case if you want to proceed without waiting for fix I would advice you next variants:

  1. Rewrite your custom service using plain JS. In plain JS you will be able to set correct HTTP code and location for redirect.
  2. Open Xero login page in iframe or separate tab and listen to the events in that tab. In this case, after receiving final redirect with user info you close tab and continue your regular flow. User auth token will be passed along with user data.

Regards, Andriy

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Thanks Andriy,

I have started with the JS recommendation … but will definitely look to the missing blocks. Looking forward to it. Keep up the great work. Thanks for the reply. Much appreciated.

Kind Regards,


Hi @Guy_Krige !

Blocks for chaging response headers and Http code are now available on production. They were added to “Contextual blocks”.

Regards, Andriy

Hi, @Guy_Krige

We’ve just updated cloud servers with the new Codeless blocks you asked us about. He have added two new blocks to the Business Logic > API Services > Response and Response Headers, which can be found among other Context blocks. Could you kindly let us know whether blocks works for you well?

Regards, Marina

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Thanks for the update.

Well let you know.

Kind regards
