how to remove row from after create event handler

i have after create event handler on Download table,

when i trying to remove that created object console prints “You have no permission to thread manipulation”
here is my code:

@Asset( “Download” )
public class DownloadTableEventHandler extends com.backendless.servercode.extension.PersistenceExtender<Download>
public void afterCreate( RunnerContext context, Download download, ExecutionResult<Download> result ) throws Exception
Backendless.Data.of(Download.class).remove(download, new AsyncCallback<Long>() {
public void handleResponse(Long aLong) {
System.out.println(“removed download”);


  public void handleFault(BackendlessFault backendlessFault) {
    System.out.println("remove fault"+backendlessFault.toString());





Use sync version of “remove” method instead of async.
best regards,

its working…

by synchronous method…