How to render a list of JSON Elements using a custom Component ( JSX )

I build a custom Component that can render the JSON on the screen:

export default function ListJsonList({ component, eventHandlers, appData, pageData, parentDataModel }) {
  const customers = pageData.customers;
  return <p>{JSON.stringify(customers)}</p>

This works.

But as soon as I try to render the list like:

  const renderedList = el, i ) => {
    return <p key={i}>{}</p>

and try to return that rendered list the App doesnt work anymore…

Why is that?

Hi @Ben

What kind of error do you get?

here is the right way

export default function ListJsonList({ component, eventHandlers, appData, pageData, parentDataModel }) {
  const customers = pageData.customers;

  return (
{ el, i ) => (
    <p key={i}>{}</p>
)) }

Thanks for the code snippet Vladimir. This works now.
Seems like the syntax is slightly different from standard JS / ReactJS. You dont use curly braces and cant return the result of map to a constant for some reason. Is there a topic in the docs where I can learn about custom components and the syntax? I also want to load css styles from semanticui cdn and use modules like axios is this possible? Can you provide Videos and Links?

Since I am only loading data on a onClick event I had to handle undefined data.

export default function ListJsonList({ component, eventHandlers, appData, pageData, parentDataModel }) {
const customers = pageData.customers;
if ( typeof customers !== 'undefined'){
      return (
      { el, i ) => (
          <p key={i}>{} {el.fields.Name} {el.fields.Kundennummer}</p>
      )) }
}else {
  return <></>

it completely supports all the JS/ReactJS standards, you can read more about JSX here

what’s the difference you can see?

in React you can return a list from a component, but you can wrap it into a Fragment

you can read more about custom components here Custom UI Components in Backendless UI Builder

an official doc is in progress

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there is a styles/index.less file where you can import your css/less

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yes, it’s possible

just copy and place any libraries into your component and import them where you need it. make sure these libraries are capable of running in a browser

you can take a look how our team builds components here ui-builder-library/components at main · Backendless/ui-builder-library · GitHub

btw, instead of using axios I can recommend you use our Request module, it’s quite small and contains everything you need, we use it in each of our services/SDKs/libraries. So it’s already included in the JS-SDK and you can use it in your app without any additional installation

await Backendless.Request.get(...).then(...).catch(...)
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I tried to use the less repo of semantic ui GitHub - Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI-LESS: LESS only distribution.
I unzipped the files into the components folder and copied the main semanti.less file ( Semantic-UI-LESS/semantic.less at master · Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI-LESS · GitHub ) in the components less file.
But now I am getting errors:

###' wasn't found (400)

in [index.less]( on line 16, column 5:

* 15

& { @import "definitions/globals/reset"; }

* 16

& { @import "definitions/globals/site"; }

What am I missing?

I also tried to import the css in styles.less:

@import (less) 

Is there any way to use “semantic ui” with backendless?

I assume it’s possible

here is my component with Bootstrap

export default function MyCustomComponent({ component, eventHandlers, appData, pageData, parentDataModel }) {
  return (
    <div className="alert alert-danger" role="alert"> 
      <strong>Oh snap!</strong> 
      Change a few things up and try submitting again. 

@import (less) "//";