I’m currently trying to save a string of the current format “2016-04-21T18:00:00+0200” by using the PHP SDK. When doing this it fails… So I’m guessing I must convert this in to a Datetime in PHP but when doing that I get another error…
So my question is basically how should I handle this string in PHP before trying to save to backendless?
Have you tried to save in milliseconds instead of seconds?
Thanks Stanislaw!
That made it work for some reason!
Thanks again for your help.
I tried using timestamp instead. Now it saves without an error but when I look in the table on Backendless the field is empty, it shows the placeholder “mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm::ss + zone” so I don’t know why it don’t save the datetime in that field even when giving it a timestamp? (The timestamp is in the following format: 1489082400 so it should be correct…)
/ Tobias
have you tried to convert it to timestamp? I should save correctly in this case.