I have table “Inventory” with column QtyType - 1to1 relation to table QuantityType. Rows in QuantityType table shouldn’t be updated by anyone, only used as reference.
In QuantityType permisssions I set ‘deny’ to update to authenticated user. All rows in QuantityType created by User A.
I have row, created with user B, in Inventory table that I would like to update - set relation QtyType to certain object. In console REST console, logged as user B,
I execute PUT for Inventory objectId yyyyy in Inventory with body
"QtyType": {
"___class": "QuantityType",
"objectId": "xxxxxxxxxx"
When Inventory object updated I also see that QuantityType referenced object is updated too. That’s confusing, I don’t understand why it’s updated at all? Also why it’s updated whereas I denied that access (and if I try update this QuantityType object directly I’m receiving expected “User has no permission to update entity” error)