How to solve Can not render page due to error

Hello All

I receive this error

Can not render page due to error: “Script error for “pages/explorer/components/d59e875e9cd5990565ac299e6b1ce3fd/bundle.js” Common Errors
Error: Script error for “pages/explorer/components/d59e875e9cd5990565ac299e6b1ce3fd/bundle.js”
Common Errors
at makeError (
at HTMLScriptElement.onScriptError (

I know it’s because I deleted one container in my page. But how can I start to resolve the problem if I can not go back to the moment that container was on the page.

Do you get that error when you run the page in a browser or when you open the page in the editor?

Hello Mark.

Thanks for your replay.

I get this when I run the page in a browser. But… I re-run the app and it seems working.

Maybe it was the browser.

Thanks anyway,

Open the page in the UI Builder. editor, make any kind of change to force code regeneration, and try again in the browser.