HSTS Error When Previewing App

I am testing out backendless for the first time and cannot preview my app from the app builder. I keep getting an HSTS error. The url for the app is https://unusualspade.backendless.app/api/files/ui-builder/containers/default/index.html?page=landing

Hi Bekah,

I was able to open the page without any errors (please see below). Is it possible the error is coming from your network provider?


Hi Mark,

Thanks for the quick response. You are correct, it is an issue with our company network so I am working on my personal computer instead.

I’ve been searching forums and playing with the platform, but I can’t seem to find an answer on how to create forms from table fields. I’ve watch the YouTube videos about data binding, but I’d like to create a multistep form by inserting fields directly from a table on the backend. Is that possible?

Thank you,

Bekah Campbell


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