HTTP Request Issue to Close CRM

Hi everyone! I would like to ask for your assistance in regards of the HTTP Code Block Request to Close CRM. Its been working for a long time and earlier today, it stopped working altogether for this specific API (Close CRM).

This is the error from the real-time logs.

We tried using the Postman and the custom code that’s build in on Codeless and it working fine unlike the HTTP Code Block.

Working as seen in this result here:

The other webhooks we have (eg. Google and Zoom API) is working fine unlike the Close CRM API. We also have reached out to them regarding about the issue and would like to coordinate with it together with your support.

Thank you!

This is what Close CRM Support has responded regarding about the issue.

The HTTP Request block sends a request and returns a response. If the response is a redirect, you would need to handle it yourself as the block is simply a mechanism to handle request/response exchange.

Do you have any ways or idea on how to handle this? Any alternative way for us to respond for the redirect?

I would like to add that this has been working for the longest time up until earlier today. All HTTP Request from Close CRM API has stopped responding and asking to redirection instead.

We were coordinating with the Close Support regarding about the issue and here is their respond regarding about this matter:

Hey Kean –

Thanks for sending that over!

Looking at our logs for Trace-ID 2fb8ac9f434d57f8c91461f3edfbeac3, the ingress URL to our servers is set to

which doesn’t have / at the end

which causes an expected redirect. Based on this we’re not seeing any issues on our end.

Can you please add their Support Team to this email chain so we can debug it directly with their tech team?



Reply from Close:

Hey Austin –

From what we can tell, it looks like there is some processing steps behind the scenes with Backendless that are stripping that / from your URL. Close cannot process the request properly without the /, so it is up to Backendless to add it.

You can add their team to this email chain so that we can communicate directly with them and answer any questions they have.

Hi there,

I’ve created a sandboxTesting with the http block and a custom code which returns the data.

Thank you. Please don’t make any changes in this method as we’re investigating.

also an insight, when we use a custom code block it works

Hi Andreas,

This is a temporary workaround for the issue. We will update you when there is a permanent fix on the server:


We deployed a change that will leave the trailing slash alone. If you added three slashes per the workaround suggestion above, please revert it back

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Thanks @mark-piller, it works now!


Good day, it seems that the issue is back. This happened after a server refresh.

We are using the workaround you suggested and it seems to have fixed the problem. Please inform us on when we should remove this. Thanks!