I cant fulfil the missions, it said something about my cookie settings but even after turning them all off it said task failed

Mission: MAKE IT LIVE!
Task: Add Print to the On Page Enter Event and Run the Page

Please, describe your problem here.
It just doesnt work, see headline.

Hello @James_Hermann ,

Welcome to our community!

It appears that you have third-party cookies disabled, which must be enabled to proceed with the missions.
If you’re using Chrome, you can enable them by following these steps:


I appreciate the quick response and have done as told, however I could not find the exact setting, as they seem to have updated and do not have the exact same layout. I turned everything even remotely connected to cookie limitations off and looked hard for the specific setting but was not successful. Any other suggestions?


Thank you, I can now see that everything is fine with the cookies.
Give me please a few minutes, and I’ll check what the issue could be.


The task isn’t validating because not all instructions have been followed.
The expected logic should resemble the following:


Apologies for the oversight. I had put it in previously but it must have deleted itself. It finally worked. I appreciate the quick responses!

I’m glad I could help :slightly_smiling_face:
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you face any more challenges!


Well turns out I have the same issue again but after doing all correct steps.

so odd, now it works all of a sudden. Seems like the page is facing a few glitches and errors. Apologies

I suspect it’s related to the auto-save feature.
If you’ve made changes and the block has a yellow outline, it indicates that the logic hasn’t been saved:

You need to click somewhere else to remove the focus, and then the logic will be saved.


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