I Don't Have A SMTP

Task: Modify “Registration Confirmation” email template

what do i do if i dont have an smtp?

Please, describe your problem here.

Hi @Jaxon_Weiss,

you don’t need to have an SMTP to complete this task.

but it says i cant save an edited templete with the original email settings

I’ve identified the issue; indeed it appears that modifying the system template requires configuring your own SMTP settings. I’ll consult with our team to explore potential solutions, and I’ll follow up with you once we have a resolution. Thank you for your understanding.

thank you

hello, @stanislaw.grin
I’m just checking in to see if maybe it’s something I can do on my end.

Hello @Jaxon_Weiss,

I’ve marked the tasks for you (both related to email templates). Please refresh the page to receive the update. I hope the mission progress will continue smoothly and without any issues, bringing both enjoyment and knowledge. Apologies for any temporary inconvenience.


no worries! thank you and have a good day

Hello @Jaxon_Weiss,

We’ve just updated cloud servers with a fix for the issue you described above. Could you kindly let us know whether the fix works for you?


what stanislaw grin did worked