How can I get permissions to manage enteties (tables)? I have all permissions but still can’t data structures.
Best regards!
How can I get permissions to manage enteties (tables)? I have all permissions but still can’t data structures.
Best regards!
Hi Andrey,
Have you added tables to your app? You can do it either in console or simply by saving an object with the API.
Hello! Yes, tables were previously added by another backendless user (owner of the app).
Hi, Andrey.
I’ve tried to add another developer to my test app, and he had seen all tables (without changing any permissions). Are you really looking to the same app?
Please, provide the app-id, we’ll try to investigate the problem.
0D03EF1F-6179-D300-FF59-B2BF3889EE00 Yamena4
What makes you think that there should be tables there? I added myself to the app and I see there are no tables in the app. I created a new table “TestTable” and that one shows up just fine:</img>
But I need to see 7D0CA196-6BFB-3B9F-FF01-EBB42A286700 (my user is between users)
Well, your name shows up on that app:</img>