Illegal mix of collations with JS sdk

Hi there, I have been recently been getting some errors for some of my queries I am performing with the JS backendless sdk. These errors appear at random - sometimes the queries are executed normally, while other times I get the error. This is very bad for our production environment.

These queries have been working for a year, but suddenly I am receiving this error:
Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8mb4_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '<>'

Example Query:
const queryBuilder = Backendless.DataQueryBuilder.create(); queryBuilder.addProperties('objectId', 'name', 'description', 'email', 'phoneNumber', 'website', 'street', 'city', 'zipCode', 'picture', 'logo', 'openingHours', 'mapsIframeLink', 'geolocation', 'url');
const promise = Backendless.Data.of('Provider').find<Provider>(queryBuilder);

Thanks for your help

Hi, @Lukas_Pichler

Welcome to the community and thanks for trying Backendless! Please provide us with a full sample request (including the URL from WhereClause). You may skip sensitive data such as the API Key from the URL.


Hi there,
the url does not contain any api key. It is a string.

Full Query:
const queryBuilder = Backendless.DataQueryBuilder.create(); queryBuilder.addProperties('objectId', 'name', 'description', 'email', 'phoneNumber', 'website', 'street', 'city', 'zipCode', 'picture', 'logo', 'openingHours', 'mapsIframeLink', 'geolocation', 'url');
const promise = Backendless.Data.of('Provider').find<Provider>(queryBuilder);

@Lukas_Pichler, please provide us with the cURL of the request. It is safe to send it to the


How would I go about extracting the cURL of the request?


If you run the code via the console you can see the cURL in the network tab of devtools. If you run the code with the code editor please, add the next line to the end of the query:

P.S. Please provide us with the AppId


May I suggest a link with a similar issue here ?

I keep ecountering the same error somewhat randomly.
Very difficult to guess how to replicate the issue, sorry.

I am getting the same error regularly today.
We have not made any changes to our code, the issue has just started appearing.

Hi, @Tony_Goodchild

We have an internal ticket for this issue - BKNDLSS-28372. I have just raised its priority. We will do our best to fix the issue asap. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Hi @Marina.Kan, this seemed to have been resolved yesterday and things were running ok this morning. But now every call we make to the API is giving us this error. Our application is 100% DOWN now.

Is there a resolution plan?


This seemed to clear up yesterday.

However our application is currently down as every query is giving us this error.


Hello, I’m developing a react app with Backendless and I got same error too. In my case it looks related to a relation retrieval, this produce the error:

const queryBuilder = Backendless.DataQueryBuilder.create();
const data = await Backendless.Data.of(;

but if I remove line: queryBuilder.setRelated([“customer”]); it work

Hello @Harlock

We are sorry for the inconvenience. Our engineers are already looking into the issue.


@Marina.Kan , @viktor.liablin I have not been able to reproduce the bug during development, both yesterday and today (~6hrs).
Has the problem been resolved on your side?

Hi, @Lukas_Pichler

We are working on this issue. Some fixes have already been made and we are currently testing their efficiency. We are glad that the problem is not reproducing for you. That means we are on the right way.
