Importing failed. Connection refused

When i import a csv with no data, only the schema. I am getting this error in log:

“Importing failed. Connection refused”

I am using Backendless Pro in AWS.

PS.: The coderunner is working…

Are the components up and running? You can check the status of each component using the built-in utility:

Could you attach the log file to this topic?

So, I restart all services and try to import again.
In the console I could see this log:

/opt/bitnami/apache2/scripts/ : httpd started at port 80

bitnami@ip-172-31-47-75:/opt/bitnami$ 13:04:02.908 - [32670] Unable to connect to Messages Broker
13:04:02.914 - [32670] Redis connection to failed - connect ETIMEDOUT
13:06:10.396 - [445] Unable to connect to Messages Broker
13:06:10.402 - [445] Redis connection to failed - connect ETIMEDOUT

The error says that Redis is not available. Can you check its status via ctlscript?

In a typical Pro installation Redis is addressed through “localhost”. I am not sure how you ended up having it, but in your installation Redis is addressed through “”. What this means is the traffic to/from Redis is going over the internet. This also means that your AWS security policy must allow traffic through port 6379.

Hi, I change the t2.small to m3.medium and now its working. Maybe its a memory issues.

Tks all