Include slide show in a page

is it possible to add slide show on a page?


Hello @Ariv_Sahoo!

First, you need to create a similar structure in the UI Builder:

Then add the styles:

And as a result, you will get a slider:


Thank you Alexander. The slider worked. However I was also looking for a functionality where the slides change automatically based on timer set. Can we achieve that too?


Hello @Ariv_Sahoo!

Yes, of course, with Backendless you can implement everything you want.
For starters, you need to change the structure and styles a bit:

And also add some logic:

And as a result, the slides will change every 2 seconds:


Hi Alexander,
I tried out the code that you have mentioned. Unfortunately it does not move to next slide based on timer.
Here is the link to my page.

Out of curiosity, have you tried debugging the logic, @Ariv_Sahoo ?

Hi Mark,

No, I have not tried debugging. Although I put an alert in the timer just before the if statement and it appeared every 2s. How to you set a debugger in the logic? I am not familiar with that.


Hi @Ariv_Sahoo

Debugging - means finding/investigating why/what doesn’t work correctly.
For that, you can use a Print block from the Text category.

Hi Vladimir,

Finally I was able to make it work. As per the structure provided, the slides were appearing from top to bottom navigation but the logic mentioned was for left to right navigation. So had to change the fullWidth and CardWidth to height and instead of left, set to top.Also Styles of cards does not have a property left. It should be marginLeft. In this case marginTop. Attaching the sample code that worked for me.


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