The JS version of documentation has Java code example.
Could you please add the relevant JavaScript example?
The JS version of documentation has Java code example.
Could you please add the relevant JavaScript example?
Hi Purusothaman,
This sample code shows how to register an Android device in order to receive messages. Since there is no device in case of Javascript, you cannot do the same in Javascript and thus there can’t be a similar code sample.
What you can do from Javascript is to publish some push notification (which will be received by Android). The documentation describes it here:
Sounds strange!!! So you mean in JS you can receive messages, without registering the device?
I look on the JS code and see similar functions for JS.
In JS code you cannot receive push notification, as push notifications are device-related.
You can receive publish-subscribe messages in JS, but for that you need to register to a channel, not to register a device.
Sorry. I could not understand how this works.
Thanks for your time.