Input/output error publishing custom code

Hello Backendless!

Our team is currently experiencing issues with timer code deployment via Coderunner. Problems started the day before yesterday (15th June) with spontaneous ‘Input/output error’ from Coderunner in the publishing-part of the execution. I tried to update Coderunner and publish timer code with Win10 and
Mac (both with coderunner.bat/sh and deploy.bat/sh and with/without administrative rights). All gave the same I/O Error.
Also I noticed that our custom timer stopped running just before that and
running it manually from the B/E console doesn’t really execute the code (we have an e-mail
confirmation sent when the timer runs).

I’ve copied the timer execution -code and made a function of it in the Custom Business Logic java, which I can upload manually via Backendless console. The function itself seems to run just fine.

Here is our app id, in case you are needing it with the troubleshoot:

Best regards,
Larri J

P.S. After updating Coderunner, I did have to tweak with the jdk and jre configuration in order to get the Coderunner to work in the first place. Mainly I just included the paths in the System’s PATH and also assigned the system variables JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME. I didn’t need to do this before with the previous version of the CR. My jdk + jre are above version 1.8.

Hello, Larri!

We’ve started investigation. Can you inform us if you get this exception when running coderunner in debug mode - by “./” script?

Hey, we work together with Larri.

Coderunner runs fine, starts without problem and waits for events.

Also maybe related to this is that the job that has so far run without problems has stopped. It restarts suddenly after some hours, manages to run once or twice and then stops again.

Thank you for your response. We’ve made some changes, can you try again?

Yes, now it works! So what was it?

It was a problem on our side, we’re searching for a way to prevent it in the future.

We apologise for it, and thank you for your patience.

I am experiencing the same problem when trying to deploy my server code. I can debug, but the deploy gives an Input/Output error. Still does not work.

Provide your application id please.

Thank you, Alexandr, for swift action! :slight_smile: