Insta clone : logic error

Hi. I’m trying to understand how the Insta Clone Blueprint works. I noticed there is an error in the scrolling block logic, see below.

We just detected incompatibility in the Codeless Logic.

Some blocks have been marked as “UNKNOWN” because they are beyond the current context and the designer is not able to recognize them.

See the list of the affected blocks:

  • codeless_api_service_method_block_C7E0CE91-1ADF-E267-FFA7-545A64C10A00_getFollowingPosts

Hello @luke_martin ,
Welcome to our community and thank you for trying out Backendless.

I have not been able to reproduce the issue in my app. Could you provide more information on your problem:

  1. On which page do you see the problem and in which handler?
  2. Check if ‘getFollowingPosts’ exists in the Cloud Code section?
    Also, if you can add screenshots.


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Hi, it’s the ‘followingPosts’ page, Page/Block
and yes, the ‘getFollowingPosts’ exists.

it is probably because your API service id was changed

Not something changed by me. Something to fix that in your Blueprint perhaps?

Hello @luke_martin

We were able to reproduce the problem. Internal ticket BKNDLSS-29953 has been created. As a workaround, I recommend that you replace the error block with the following


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