Integrate a blueprint with my app

Hello all,

I already have an app in development and I want to create for it a chat function between therapist and patient, the chatly blueprint you create came perfect, I wonder if I can integrate chatly without create a new app only for it, maybe as a new container, for me to use it as part of my app.


Hello @giovanny_padilla

This does not sound like a trivial, I need to discuss with the team whether it is possible to do so.


Hello @Volodymyr_Ialovyi

Do you have some news about this topic?

Thank you for your time.


Hello @giovanny_padilla

The internal ticket (BKNDLSS-27166) was created to discuss this possibility. As soon as a decision is made, we will inform you in this topic additionally.


Hello @giovanny_padilla

You can create a new app and then move everything you need into your app including (DataTables/ApiServices/UIBuilderContainers/etc)

In order to get a UIBuilder Container you just need to copy a directory “/ui-builder/containers/{CONTAINER_NAME}” from one app to another

Regards, Vlad