I’m trying to connect Backendless with Sendinblue through Integromat.
The objective is to Create a new Contact in Sendinblue, once a New User is Created in Backendless.
I got support from Integromat and the scenario seems to be ok. However, it doesn’t work.
According to Integromat support, the problem is from Backendless side: "Your first HTTP module and API returns only 10 results… SO if they won’t be sorted by update time in descending order, you’ll need to get more results to make sure that you get enough of them to filter by the last 15 mins and didn’t miss anything… "
I don’t really understand the meaning. Does it make sense for someone?
They way I’d do this is by adding an event handler in backendless for the afterRegister event. Inside of the event handler you’d have the logic of creating a contact in Sendinblue. The logic can be created with either Codeless (no code, pure visual logic programming), JS or Java. To create an event handler in Backendless, you go to Business Logic > Event Handlers > New Event Handler:
Indeed, it helps! It’s good to know that Backendless allows this type of connection between services.
Is there a tutorial available for this type of integration? I’ve checked everywhere and found nothing. Business Logic is not always obvious to a non-coder.
I checked the links you provided to understand the Codeless Logic and make the connection as @mark-piller suggested, but I couldn’t find what components from the left box to use for each thing.
The API call structure is ready.
Could you, please, simply tell me what components from the left box have to be connected (path, query, headers, body, return) to let me enter informations?
We will be happy to assist. Do you have the details of the call that needs to be made? If you could show us the URL/headers/body/etc, we can advise for how to map it to the http block parameters.