Internal Client exception

I see in my analytics,
that 3 percent of all queries get ‘Internal client exception. Message: Unable to resolve host “”: No address associated with hostname’
This error is received for a varietly of queries, this is one of them:

public void queryInvitesReceived(String userAdvertisingId, AsyncCallback<BackendlessCollection<Map>> callback) {

Log.i(TAG, "queryInvitesReceived()");
BackendlessDataQuery dataQuery = new BackendlessDataQuery(InviteCodeReceivers.COL_SENDER_ADVERTISING_ID + " LIKE '"
        + userAdvertisingId + "' AND "+ InviteCodeReceivers.COL_IS_PENDING_FOR_OFFER + " = FALSE");

Backendless.Data.of(InviteCodeReceivers.TABLE_NAME).find(dataQuery, callback);


Hi Tal,
This kind of error is caused by connectivity issues on the device.

Are you sure?

because I am monitoring the cases where the user ha no internet connection, and I get another error, that I write.

The “Unable to resolve host” does not even come from the backendless code. It is a lower-level error thrown from the core of Android.