Internal Erorr

While using frontend I’ve got this strange error and I’m not able to work anymore. Any idea, why it is happening? Is there some kind of maintenance that I’m not aware of?


Hi @Stefan_Jovanovic

Can you describe the steps to reproduce this error?


Whatever I do in the logic panel of the frontend, I get this error. Even if I delete everything from the logic, I face that error. And plus when I open up the website I’m getting this error, which does not make any sense: Uncaught SyntaxError: expected expression, got '}'

Hello @Stefan_Jovanovic

could you please provide your appId and the container name

App id: 195055C2-93D4-F6AB-FF9C-142C8A8E2500
Container is the main page, On Page Enter event.

There was a broken bundle.js file on this page, I’ve fixed it manually, could you please check

Btw, we recently fixed the problem with code-gen for bundle.js files and this is on the testing stage, so I assume we won’t see such problems after releasing this fix

Regards, Vlad

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Awesome, thank you Vladimir. :slight_smile: