Internal error flashing

Application ID: 22CC00A4-B93C-CA9C-FFD5-FB6375F62400

Oops. An internal error [0e6e4323af07afa98697575cda874832] has occurred. We are working on it. Please try again later

Problem description

Same problem… Internal error flashing

Steps to reproduce

Edit Codeless Logic in my page.



Hi, @Marco_D_Alessandria

As I see it, there are many pages in your app. Please provide the exact name of the page where the problem occurred, and add the component and handler with the issue. This will help us to solve the issue faster.

Regards, Marina

Hi Marina,
I wrote it above, page “SDBtuttofare”.
The error flashes while I edit the last button at the bottom of the visible elements.

It is as usual a UI Builder coding error which probably puts extra brackets in the code.
All of this slows down development time and makes it annoying to keep working like this.

Thanks, I hope you can fix this bug that keeps happening.

Hello @Marco_D_Alessandria

Sorry for the inconvenience. Have you fixed it? Let us know which time we can use your app to fix it
We are working on this issue


Hi Viktor,
Unfortunately the problem still persists, you can use it when you prefer.
Write me here a few minutes before, so I can log off.


I am noticing that the problem, for the moment, is isolated to this block

Hello @Marco_D_Alessandria

I’ve corrected your files. It should work fine now.
A fix for this bug is under testing.


All work correctly!

Thanks a lot Viktor,