Internal Server Error for previously working query

Dear support,

since this afternoon(maybe early this morning) we are receiving an error for all fetch and put queries, that have always worked before.

The error says nothing more than:

Internal server error with id FA640740-2A36-ECAD-FF75-E41D11BB3100

Could you please look into your logs and tell us what this error is caused by?
As of now all data-queries seem to fail.

Thanks in advance for a quick response.

Kind regards,


Hi Andrew,

What is your application ID? Could you please provide an example of a failing query? (make sure to let us know what table it is sent to).


Hi There Mark!

Thanks for the fast response. My AppID IS CB6B8616-2326-5840-FF5A-D2CCCB36F300
And I feel I may have used the wrong terminology, this is failure to create a data object.

Using the methodology explained here :
This worked absolutely perfectly before and Error 500 usually indicates a server error so I would like to eliminate that possibility before refactoring the code.
The table is the Sighting Table.

Apologies if I left anything out.

Kind Regards Andrew

Hi Andrew,

I connected to your app and was able to create an object. You can see it in the Sighting table, the “animal” value for the object I created is “Ant bear COPY”.

How do you create an object? Do you use Android, iOS, REST? What are the values you send to the server for each property?


Hi There Mark!

Seems my partner made a change on the client side (js based) that was not referencing the correct type for the field “video”. I have changed the the type from file reference to extended string and it has fixed the error. Apologies for any disruption caused.

Thank you for your help!

Kind Regards Andrew