Internal server error

I was introducing manually in the console a metadata for a geolocation point. Suddenly I’ve seen some differents errors, one of them was an html error but I can’t remember it…
This is one of the errors that I’m getting right now.
Internal server error with id DDD22C8E-26F7-65EC-FFB3-4F7EBC0B3200
The problem with the client is that I can’t get the data that I have store in the server. However, I can add a new place (I’m using maps) from the client and seems that I can do a search in the client to check the places that I have save in the server but don’t retrieve the information, because if I try to search a place that I don’t have in the server I can see a dialog alert in my android app that tell me that I don’t have any place with this name.
I didn’t any change in the code, and seconds before to see this internal server error I was getting the data correctly.

I have the same problem now, “Internal server error” followed by an Id when I try to delete some entries from a class.

Hi Cristian, but you can do a request of your the data and show it in the your app? or you can’t get the data in your app?

I can get the data, but yet another strange thing happen: I have a Class (let’s say class A) object with a relationship to another class (let’s say class B) (relation type is one-to-many). If update an object from the class B, it would actually create another entry in the class B, but I don’t want this, I want to update a row from the class B; however, in the response, the data comes correctly (with that object updated), but if I look on Backendless I see that actually there is the old object there and the updated object as a new entry; but I don’t want this, I want to update the existing object.

And if I try to delete the rows from class B, it gives me “Internal server error”.

Maybe they did some update in his server. I can save data but not get the data. We wait the answer of someone of the team

“…I didn’t any change in the code, and seconds before to see this internal server error I was getting the data correctly.”
Currently it works or not?

Currently server returns internal error for delete operation?

@Kate Yes, when I try to delete rows from the Backendless interface. And I’ve set all permissions there.

Hi @Kate.

No, currently is not working. I can add data in the data base from my client app but I can´t get the data

Please provide your application id and request example how to get data.

Please provide your application id and table name with rows to delete.

App-id: B95DF41D-ED7C-B947-FF03-3740ECB12C00

Example get data (this example was working before to see the error in the console server). If you need all the method or something more, let me know:

String whereClause = “distance( “+ currentLatitudeWithDot +”, “+ currentLongitudeWithDot +”, location.latitude, location.longitude ) < km(100)”;
BackendlessDataQuery dataQuery = new BackendlessDataQuery(whereClause); QueryOptions queryOptions = new QueryOptions();
queryOptions.addRelated( “location” );
dataQuery.setQueryOptions( queryOptions );

Backendless.Data.of(Beach.class).find(dataQuery, new AsyncCallback<BackendlessCollection<Beach>>() { @Override public void handleResponse(final BackendlessCollection<Beach> response) {

For me, the problem seems to be fixed now, without changing a line of code. Data is properly saved and retrieved.

Fixed. Could you try?

Yes, now works. What was the problem? I mean, was something that I did setting the metadata in the geopoints?

Hi Salva,

no, it was not anything you did. The problem was on our side.
