"Internal server error with id" in console browser

Hello guys,

My application is giving me the error:

Backendless Console Browser:
“Internal server error with id:” (please, see attached file)
What is the problem? My application ID is 235A9D5C-40D9-D888-FF05-4CF678D82800

Thank you.

I think it is related to what happened yesterday with User Properties. Did it start after you did something in console or in the code?

In the code. I was working without any problem until now. I’m testing with my app and the console gave me this kind of error too

1FAULT = Cannot save entity with primitive collection property image <Cannot save entity with primitive collection property image>

2016-02-03 19:48:21.863 Vespabook[3877:1351779] 1FAULT = java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.sql.SQLException: Can’t create table 235A9D5C-40D9-D888-FF05-4CF678D82800.4B3E97E4-3BAF-608B-F.D194FD02-0666-7A97-F.81373 (errno: 150 “Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed”) <java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.sql.SQLException: Can’t create table 235A9D5C-40D9-D888-FF05-4CF678D82800.4B3E97E4-3BAF-608B-F.D194FD02-0666-7A97-F.81373 (errno: 150 “Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed”)>

I know what is wrong with first line (FAULT with primitive data).
What is strange to me is the second part

No changes in my application, it isn’t working yet…

Support is looking into it. I will let you know once it is fixed.


Ok, thank you

Hi Francesco,

Your console is fixed, please try again.

Yes, it is working now. What was the problem? Something wrong in my code?

Could you try now?

Yes, it is working. I already replied to Sergey Chupov. Thank you

Don’t know yet, but such behaviour shouldn’t be caused by the user’s code. We are still looking for the real cause.


You said you were deleting tables via your code, could you clarify how you did that?


Oh sorry, I misunderstood. I was trying to add some properties via code but I deleted the tables via console.
I have used Parse for some years and now I chose Backendless. I’m using it for some days now but I need to understand how it really works. For this I’m testing, adding and deleting properties and tables…

Is there any chance that you’ve been doing some load/stress testing? Maybe your application was just making some requests while you were deleting the tables?

No, I’m sure


I have the same when uploading jar to Business logic. But when I create a new version or a new hosted service, the upload works…

Do you get a popup saying “Internal Server Error”? Could you try capturing the ID number and posting it here?

Okay, now it happened again, attached screenshot. I got rid of it by making a new revision.

Could you please put the jar file into Google Drive or Dropbox and email the link for it to support@backendless.com ?