InvalidValueError: setPosition: not a LatLng or LatLngLiteral: in property lat: not a number

I am just starting to work on my first map on Backendless. I am trying to set markers on the map. I am making an array of Points that i thought would work.

Here is what the pluck of collections is passing…

And here is my codeless logic to pass the values…

And here is the error I am getting…

What is the correct way to pass these values?

As you can see in the output of the pluck of collections, it is a list of objects, each containing the coordinates array. The Set Points to Google Map block expects the following an array of objects where each object has the lat and lng properties.

Rather than using the Set Points to Google Map block, I recommend using data binding with the Map Marker handler in the map component. You can see a demo of that approach in the following video:


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