IOS app IPA file size ???

HI every 1 ,
i have developed as i suppose a simple app for android and IOS using the Backendless SDK , my app in both platforms use only the data (for download only) and the messaging ( push notifications only ) API’s .
i have tested the apps for both platforms and its time to publish ,for the android the signed APK file size that i have already uploaded to google play is only 8MB which is great
the issue is with the IOS version :

  1. for the pod i used : ‘Backendless-ios-SDK’, ‘~>3.0.28’
  2. the IPA archive file size is 128MB !!!
  3. after uploading the app to app store for the review , the Compressed file size is 52MB !!
    which is so large file to download and too big for my simple app , and i’m wondering why there is such huge deference between the android and IOS while i’m using the same SDK , Assets and functionality ??
    i have done some googling before submitting this problem and almost of the answers was referred to 3d party libraries and we suppose to delete the unused ones
    so please could u help me with this

Hi Mriyadh,

Is Backendless the only pod you’re using?


no i use SDWebImage and its whole package size is 280 KB

I just did a test build of an app (using minimal functionality) and the size of the app is 13mb. The final size depends on the functionality you use. Do you use any of the media streaming functions?

Mriyadh, if you don’t need Backendless MediaService functionality, you should use

pod ‘Backendless’ instead ‘Backendless-ios-SDK’ (see this doc).
This will dramatically reduce a size of ipa file.

No Mark, as i mentioned before only data and messaging !

ok for the pod did u use Backendless or Backendless-ios-SDK ?

Ok man i will check it and feed u back


well this is really strange , i have reinstall the pod with ‘Backendless’ only and the pods file size reduced from 206MB to 43MB and my whole app file size changed to 46MB which i thought will solve the problem but when i generate the archive the ipa file still large 125MB !! how is that could be ??

1 more thing plz , did u disable the Bitcode before archiving ur test app ?

Try to switch off the bitcode.

yes man, the issue was with the bitcode after uploading the 125MB ipa file the download size in the app store become only 8MB