iOS Push Notification web-console

Hi, I have a problem with push notifications now.

I have more than 1.000 deviceToken registered in all my channels (in backendless), but when I send a notification from web-console in any channel to iOS-Devices the push does not arrive.
Only if I send a push notification to a selected device the push notification works…

Maybe a backendless server bug?

Hi Juan,

Can you please try to reproduce it on the new app? Try registering one iOS device and sending push notification from the console to all iOS devices. If the problem persists on a new app, please let us know here.

Thanks for reply. I test the app with a production certificate for Push Notifications and the problem is solved. But with a developer certificate the problem persist.

Juan, maybe problem is with your development provisioning profile?

Check if your device receives a push which was published by another device (in development mode).

Also you could try our sample project (see in attachment) with your bundle Id, cert & provisioning. It works for us, how will it work for you? (19.31MB)

Hi, I test another app in backendless with a development profile and the problem persist. Only with a production profile the notificaction push work good.


It is very important that the provisioning profile you install locally into XCode matches the certificate deployed into Backendless. If you deploy Sandbox certificate into Backendless, you must use the development provisioning profile in XCode. Likewise, if you use the Universal certificate in Backendless, then the provisioning profile must be for Production.


Yes, all the development certificates (push notification and provisioning profile) are correct. But is curious why with a development certificate the push notification only work when I select a certain device, but with a production certificate the push notification works perfect.

I think this is how certificates generally work. Sandbox (dev) certificate is only for specific devices.