iOS push notifications - can't log in

after configuring everything according to the setup guides (twice)
in the function: didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken
we use this code:

NSString *deviceTokenStr = [backendless.messagingService deviceTokenAsString:deviceToken];        @try {        NSString *deviceRegistrationId = [backendless.messagingService registerDeviceToken:deviceTokenStr];        NSLog(@"deviceToken = %@, deviceRegistrationId = %@", deviceTokenStr, deviceRegistrationId);    }    @catch (Fault *fault) {        NSLog(@"deviceToken = %@, FAULT = %@ <%@>", deviceTokenStr, fault.message, fault.detail);    }

and we get:

deviceToken = *************, FAULT = NSURLErrorDomain <The request timed out.>]
CFNetwork SSLHandshake failed (-9806)
NSURLSession/NSURLConnection HTTP load failed (kCFStreamErrorDomainSSL, -9806)
FAULT = ‘-1200’ [NSURLErrorDomain] <An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made.>

how can we fix this?

You could investigate our push notification sample project (see in attachment) - it shows how Backendless SDK push technology should be organized. Load it with TestPushNotify.xcworkspace. Project has two targets, which are implemented on Objective-C and Swift, so you can choose what you would like. (19.3MB)