iOS Push Notifications Development vs Production Certificates

For iOS push messages: How do you infer from the app configuration which push service/endpoint to send to? It seems there isn’t a way via configuration to disambiguate development push certificates from production push certificates. Only way I can imagine it would be possible would be if you parsed the Common Name of the certificate…

How then would it be possible to have a development and production certificate side by side within same app configuration? I guess it makes sense to have different ‘versions’ for development and production… is the what is expected?

Hi Joey,

We determine whether it is a production vs development certificate by inspecting the certificate. Within the same app configuration you can have multiple Backendless versions of the app (see the drop down right next to the name of the app in the upper left corner of the console). Each version of the app can have its own push certificate.



How do we tell which certificate was uploaded / being used for each? Additionally, though I expected the environments to be isolated, when I switched between them I still saw a message for ‘certificate file found’ in the new version I just created.

It would be helpful to show the actual certificate name being used and also if there is more than one present.

Hi Rob,

We will discuss it internally and I’ll let you know about the outcome.


Thanks Mark,

It sounds like you are currently using only 1 certificate then across the versions? A little background on why this is an issue, it would mean that we would have to deploy to TestFlight to test the app using the production certification during development (versus debugging from Xcode)… or swap certificates once we went live (which is scary).

FWIW/ FYI we ended up using separate applications (instead of versions) to solve this. They have the proper level of isolation for what we needed.

Hi Rob,

Currently if you deploy a development certificate, we will use the dev servers. If you were to deploy a universal certificate, we use the production servers. We’re planning a few improvements in this area.



Interesting, I wasn’t aware there was such thing as a ‘universal’ certificate. Is this for iOS? Obviously we will be testing this, but if we upload a production certificate will we get Push notifications sent to an app running from the Xcode debugger or installed via cable load?

Thanks again, your customer service is amazing. Hope you find time to sleep…


Yes, that is what we did on Parse. I just really like the way Backendless has setup ‘versions’ for this very reason and was hoping to stick with that versus 2 different ‘apps’.

Thanks for the idea though, definitely resolves the issue. Though it would still be nice to see the name of the file uploaded and ‘active’.

Hi Rob,

This is what I am talking about:</img>

There is a way to use either sandbox or production servers with that certificate. Right now, if you use that certificate, we use the production servers, however, we will provide a way for you to choose in the near future.



Awesome! I did not realize that. Very cool. I look forward to the ‘option’ addition to the platform. Would you say that ‘near future’ is weeks or months?

Super impressed with Backendless so far…especially your responsiveness. Parse was pretty rough on support.

Hi Rob,

I’d say 4-6 weeks more or less.
