Today we’ve got an issue when iOS devices (several) can’t recive push notifications. At the same tome android devices successfully recieve (with the same request and array of device_id). It won’t work even form console “Publish Message” section. I’m not sure it is a backendless problem, but, could you please help or check this issue.
Thank you!
Hi Yury,
When you say “today”, are you implying that the same configuration/app/certificates worked before?
mm, sorry I need to get details from our iOS edveloper, so I’ll inform you later.
Hello, Mark. I work with Yury
Today, I did the tests. If you send Push Notifications from the console to one device, then Push Notification comes.
If I select 30 devices, then notifications do not come.
I’ve assigned this topic to one of our iOS developers. We will respond here as soon as we get results of testing.
Regards Anton
Thank you. It seems it started to work a day ago in some reasons. Might be the issue could be closed at the moment.
by the way, you can get a status of message https://backendless.com/documentation/messaging/rest/messaging_get_message_status.htm