iOS sdk


I’m absolutely unable to add the backendless sdk to my IOS game.
I’ve followd all steps and the project doesn’t compile.

At this time it shows next linker error:

Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:

But I’ve seen other errors while trying to add the framework.

My framework search paths are:

My Library Search Paths are:
$(PROJECT-DIR)/lib —>recursive

(Ive changed, because when adding files to the project, it creates one for folder by default: backendless,CommLibIOS,libav-11.4,MediaLibIOS3x,…)
(Just before I’ve change it, it was not compiling…)

Other linker flags are:
-ObjC - lsqlite3

Project is Non-ARC

I’ve added all files to the project folder, and I’ve added to xcode as is explained on the implementation guide.

I don’t know what more to try.

Hope you can help me.

Hi, Ferran.

We’ll check it out and get back to you.

Hi Ferran,

To update the latest Backendless SDK from github you always should change both libs - CommLibiOS (CommLibiOS.a & include folder) and backendless (backendless.a & include folder).

Looks like you updated only backendless last time.
You could use CocoaPods - it simplifies an update.



But I’ve not updated. Its the first install of Backendless, sure I’m using last version of commlib

Could you please try updating the following lib in your project (we suspect the zip on the site may be faulty):

Please let me know if it fixed the problem.


Changed this lib.

Now the compiler shows this error:
Undefined symbol for architecture x86_64:
OBJC_CLASS$_MKCircle” referenced from obj-class-ref in backendless.a

MKCircle is MapKit class, so you should add MapKit.framework to your project target.

Another way is to set in “yes” this attribute of Build Settings:</img>

Thank you, Mark! I had a similar problem with a new project. Updating library fix the problem.