IOS videocall: can't able to start video stream publishing


Thanks in advance.

I have created demo app and added Application keys but not able to initialize video call.

It always goes into stream publish failure. Please let me know if I missing anything.

Best Regards,

Hi myk,

Could you please try the following:

  1. In Backendless Console, select your app
  2. Click “Code Generation” and select iOS
  3. Under “Audio and Video” click both check boxes
  4. Click Download Project.

Once you have the zip file, it will include 2 XCode projects. Open the broadcaster and run it on an iOS device. Then run the Viewer project while the broadcaster is running.
Please let me know if it works.


Hello Mark,

Thanks for quick reply.

I have try it but not get success yet. I am getting below error.

clientid = 1377532382;
code = “NetConnection.Connect.Rejected”;
description = “Connection failed: Application rejected connection.”;
level = error;


Hi myk,
can you send us your project?
You can use this email:

Connection failed: Application folder ([install-location]/applications/mediaApp) is missing."

Same issue here could you please help

Hi, Ralph.

Do you use last version of ios lib?

Please, could you check how Video sample works with your app?


Hi Kate,

the generated code is then not working only the one on Github is.

Thanks for the code :).
