Is "ios-category" header added to ios Push Notification ?

also I tried using flags like “title” & “body” inside “ios-alert” and it didn’t work… any plans for when those ios push notificaions flags will be supported ?

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Could you provide some code which reproduces this issue.

Also you could see this our doc (“Push Notification Headers” section)

Internal task BKNDLSS-13250 is opened. We let you know about result.

Im mainly talking ios remote notifications about payload keys (category, title, loc-key…etc) covered here :

So guess the other question here is could we construct the push notification Json payload according to what each platform does support instead of only using the keys mentioned in your documentation link above ?

something more :…

A iOS push Notification key like “mutable-content” allows showing media part of the push notification message , so definitely worth considering …

There is Swift3/iOS10 sample project, which demonstrates the interactive push (“ios-category”).

You could investigate it and use backendless.a lib (/Pods/Backendless/SDK/ios/backendless) in your projects. We will release new pod version soon. (19.31MB)

Internal task BKNDLSS-13267 is created for payload keys isuue.

You could update the latest Backendless SDK (pod 3.0.42 release).

Interactive Push Notification is fixed.


Yes “category” and "content-available” are supported … however I still dont see “mutable-content” is supported … any news on that …?

Any progress within accepting object (dict) in ios-alert ?

Hello Tomas, internal task for this future is BKNDLSS-13918. I have increased priority for it, we will notify you as soon as it will be resolved.