Is the Backendless Android SDK version on Maven lagging behind the zipped download version?

Meanwhile, I just discovered that in the example app here: the method signature doesn’t match what I have in the


version in the Maven repo. The version I have has just one


method with signature:

loginWithFacebookSdk( context, CallbackManager callbackManager, final AsyncCallback<BackendlessUser> responder )

And I pulled this version from Maven a few hours ago (20 january, 2016).
Are you aware of this?

Hi Ugo,

The library in maven is one minor version away from the latest. We will push the latest to maven this week. Meanwhile, you can grab the latest build from:


Hello Mark,

So any update to the Maven repo yet?


Ugo, the latest version in Maven is 3.0.6. Could you try that one please?



So I tried this 3.0.6 version in Maven, but kept seeing this error when running my app:

01-29 18:54:51.057 22458-22458/com.ugommirikwe.photogenic E/dalvikvm: heapsize Dalvik_dalvik_system_VMRuntime_nativeMinimumHeapSize 0
01-29 18:54:51.057 22458-22458/com.ugommirikwe.photogenic E/dalvikvm: heapsize Dalvik_dalvik_system_VMRuntime_nativeMinimumHeapSize 12639952
01-29 18:55:00.316 22458-22458/com.ugommirikwe.photogenic E/dalvikvm: Could not find class 'com.backendless.geo.GeoPoint', referenced from method com.backendless.FootprintsManager$Inner.duplicateFootprintForObject
01-29 18:55:00.316 22458-22458/com.ugommirikwe.photogenic E/dalvikvm: Could not find class 'com.backendless.BackendlessCollection', referenced from method com.backendless.FootprintsManager$Inner.putEntityFootprintToCache
01-29 18:55:00.326 22458-22458/com.ugommirikwe.photogenic E/dalvikvm: Could not find class 'com.backendless.geo.GeoPoint', referenced from method com.backendless.FootprintsManager$Inner.updateFootprintForObject
01-29 18:55:00.407 22458-22458/com.ugommirikwe.photogenic E/dalvikvm: Could not find class 'com.backendless.BackendlessCollection', referenced from method com.backendless.Persistence.<init>
01-29 18:55:00.407 22458-22458/com.ugommirikwe.photogenic E/dalvikvm: Could not find class 'com.backendless.BackendlessCollection', referenced from method com.backendless.Persistence.callStoredProcedure
01-29 18:55:00.417 22458-22458/com.ugommirikwe.photogenic E/dalvikvm: Could not find class 'com.backendless.BackendlessCollection', referenced from method com.backendless.Persistence.find
01-29 18:55:00.417 22458-22458/com.ugommirikwe.photogenic E/dalvikvm: Could not find class 'com.backendless.BackendlessCollection', referenced from method com.backendless.Persistence.getView
01-29 18:55:02.248 22458-22458/com.ugommirikwe.photogenic E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
                                                                            Process: com.ugommirikwe.photogenic, PID: 22458
                                                                            java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.backendless.BackendlessCollection
                                                                                at com.backendless.Persistence.<init>(
                                                                                at com.backendless.Persistence.<clinit>(
                                                                                at com.backendless.Backendless.<clinit>(

This is without any change in my code that ran without errors when using the Backendless SDK on Github.


Hi. My App crach and force close when i insert below code in onCreate() method in MainActivity

Backendless.init(this ,APP_ID,SECRET_KEY,"v1"); 

please guide me.

the method call is “initApp”, not “init”

Thanks a lot.
below code have an error:

compile 'com.backendless:android:3.0.6'

i change it to below code in my dependencies :

compile 'com.backendless:backendless:'

and problem solved.